Official selection of the 10 finalist programs!
Radio & Peace.
Under the presidency of Maurice Mahounon (ORTB, Benin)
And the 2023 URTI Jury members:
Alexandre Pletser (RTBF, Belgium), Clémence Tuina (RTB, Burkina Faso), Prudence Chetah Bile (CRTV, Cameroon), Dina Abdelmeguid (NMA, Egypt), Zoltan Pásztor (MTVA, Hungary), Marco Lanzarone (RAI, Italy), Carmen Ionescu (Radio Romania).
* Listed alphabetically by country *
- Radio and peace in Latin America - Francisco Godinez Galay
Argentina, Colombia, Mexico, Bolivia, Ecuador & Chile - Centro de Producciones Radiofónicas
- Hyena Women - Mira Matthew
Belgium, South Africa - ACSR, Atelier de création sonore radiophonique - Cinésilex
- La paix des ondes - Merlin Chimegni
Cameroon - CRTV, Cameroon Radio Television
- Carnets de correspondante - Marine Vlahovic & et Arnaud Forest
France, Israel, Palestine - ARTE Radio - ARTE France
- Inside Kabul - Podcast by Caroline Gillet, Raha & Marwa - Anna Buy
France, Afghanistan - France Inter
- Wish - Effat Jamalipour & Ilya Mahmoudipour
Iran - Radio Gilan (IRIB)
- Tuners - Anna Dudzińska & Agnieszka Szwajgier
Poland - Radio 357
- Maam Kumba Bang : mythe ou légende ? - Jonathan Frigeri, Mbaye Diop & Eric Desjeux
Switzerland, Senegal - IIRRM, Institut International de Recherche sur la Radio et la Magie - Zonoff
- Quand commence la guerre - Isabelle Cornaz & Didier Rossat
Switzerland - RTS, Radio Télévision Suisse - Le Labo
- Musicians and war - Kateryna Honcharuk
Ukraine - Radio Kultura JSC "UA: PBC" - Suspilne Ukraine (JSC "UA: PBC")
The Grand Prix Ceremony to announce the winners will take place on Thursday 7 September 2023 as part of the URTI 2023 Conference in Yaounde, with the support of CRTV.