32nd International URTI Radio Grand Prix - The awards


Press release

Thursday, December 17th 2020


The Jury of the 32nd International URTI Radio Grand Prix (Belgium, Benin, Cameroon, Egypt, France, Kosovo, Portugal and Romania) presents you the winners of this edition on the theme « Confinement and new visions of the world ».


GRAND PRIX: Solidarité, cette nouvelle narration du monde - Salma Saïdi

SNRT, Société Nationale de Radiodiffusion et de Télévision - Morocco - 26 minutes


In Morocco, everything changes on March 20th...

Containment and declaration of a state of health emergency. Since that day, everything has changed.

Never before has a scenario like this been in our minds, let alone in government.

The measures taken have changed lives. People working on the run, car guards, street vendors, and many other citizens working day in and day out, are not able to bear a situation that deprives them of their daily livelihood. What will become of them? It's all a blur. Everything has stopped.


Silver Medal: Keeping my cool - Bartosz Panek

Polish Radio Lublin - Poland - 29 minutes


Our homes have become literal fortresses, but do they help keep us sane in time of lockdown and social distancing? “Keeping My Cool” during these times of the global pandemic sounds almost alien. Yet unexpectedly these words were uttered by Julian, aged 4. The emotions of isolation and quarantine are so much more intense than before the pandemic. Children constantly question the human condition during this time: yet the answers never seem satisfactory. I decided to see how such a radical change to our everyday lives would have an effect on my family, and managed to persuade my wife and two kids to engage in this experiment. I spent a month recording our domestic life, and this is the result.


Bronze Medal: Covid-19 : Un nouveau visage de l'humanité à craindre ou pas ? - Amidou Saka Lafia

ORTB, Office de Radiodiffusion et Télévision du Bénin - Benin - 35 minutes


In this magazine entitled "Covid 19, a new face of humanity, to be feared or not? " we met and gave the floor to socio-cultural, religious and health personalities from Benin to better understand the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic in relation to living together on the religious, social, economic, cultural, environmental and health levels.


Jacques Matthey-Doret Award for Discovery: C'est confiné - Mathilde Guermonprez

ARTE Radio/ARTE France - France - 11 minutes


The selection was difficult but intense: from the end of March to mid-April 2020, we received 229 voice messages from 61 contributors, 3 hours and 54 minutes of rushes that tell the story of the confined lives of most of us. But also those of the carers, cashiers and billers who continue to work in the field. Distance, fear, but also unexpected joys and unspoiled humour...These voices full of emotion pass between the scissors of Mathilde Guermonprez, author of podcasts on the same principle, to give "C'est confiné": a 10-minute concentrate on our lives altered during the pandemic.


Contact: prixradio@urti.org // +33 (0)6 63 89 40 38

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