27th International URTI Radio Grand Prix - The awards


Press release

Turin, September 22nd 2015


The 27th International URTI Radio Grand Prix established a great participation this year again on the theme of “MULTICULTURALISM”, representing 28 countries.

Made up of ten audiovisual personalities, the Jury met in Turin (Italy), from September 20th until 22nd 2015, at the invitation of the Prix Italia and under the presidency of Mihaela Schefer, International Projects Manager at Radio RAI. The Jury selected 10 finalist programmes and the Jacques Matthey-Doret award for discovery.


  • Grand Prix: Le derviche déchu

Anna Sakali, Hellenic Broadcasting Corporation, ERT, Greece


  • Silver Medal: J’ai appris la France sur des cassettes de Brel

Nina Almberg, ARTE Radio, France


  • Bronze Medal: Bus Stop - Stranger

Agnieszka Czyżewska Jacquemet, Polish Radio Lublin, Poland


  • Jacques Matthey-Doret Award for Discovery:

Cameroun : Le merveilleux fumet d’un bouillon de culture, Joseph René Tsobgny, CRTV, Cameroon



- Le « retour » des enfants d’immigrés en Turquie - RTBF - Belgium

- The Vietnamese dirty dancing - Czech Radio - Czech Republic

- Kids Berlin-Kreuzberg: 4 girls, 24 hours - SWR - Germany 

- I’m Italian, starting from today - Radio RAI 3 - Italy

- African rhythms - Romanian Radio Broadcasting Corporation - Romania

- Life gives us life - Sumy Regional State Television and Radio Company - Ukraine

- Three pounds in my pocket - BBC - United Kingdom


In 2015, the winner of the Radio GRAND PRIX gets a 1,000 dollar reward.


Contact: prixradio@urti.org

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