38th International URTI Grand Prix for Author's Documentary - The awards


Press release

Tuesday, March 10th 2020

The Jury, made up of managers from public televisions from Algeria, Belgium, Cameroon, Jordan, Kosovo, Portugal and Romania congratulate the winners of the 38th International URTI Grand Prix for Author’s Documentary:


Grand Prix: Golden fish, African fish - Senegal

Mundus Maris - Sciences and Arts for Sustainability - ZIDEOPROD

Direction: Thomas Grand - 60 min

The Casamance Region, in southern Senegal, is one of the last refuge zones in West Africa for a growing number of artisanal fishers, fish processors and migrant workers. With increasing foreign competition, these women and men resist by contributing, thanks to their work, to food security in numerous African countries. But for how much longer?


Silver Medal: L'Europe au pied des murs - France

viaOccitanie TV - EKLA Production

Direction:  Nicolas Dupuis & Elsa Putelat - 53 min

Almost 30 years after the fall of the Iron Curtain, Europe is retreating to its borders. Spain, Greece, Bulgaria, now Hungary, France in Calais, and soon Norway are closing their external borders with a wall. The migratory situation has further accelerated the pace of construction of these fortifications and tightened controls... In spite of all these walls, Europe sees several thousands of refugees arriving every month.

So why continue to build them?


Bronze Medal: Lessons in Humanity - Croatia

Artizana - Direction:  Branko Istvancic - 53 min

Veterans from Pakrac, working with some of the medical staff of the Pakrac hospital, saved around three hundred patients from certain death in a humanitarian evacuation organised on the evening of 29th September 1991. Most of them, three hundred patients, were Serbians from the psychiatry ward. The people who participated in the evacuation were presented with the Charter of Heroes of Humanity.

The documentary is based on the book by Veljko Djordjevic.


Martine Filippi Award for Discovery: Goodbye, My Girlhood - South Korea

KBS, Korean Broadcasting System - Direction: Han-Seok Kim - 54 min

This documentary depicts the highs and lows, the joys and sorrows of life as seen and experienced by an ordinary teenage girl through her life in Ladakh, in India. The process by which she leaves home to become a monk. And the pilgrimage she undertakes as a monk. The work delivers the greatness of ‘being alive’ through universal codes of family and friendship that transcend races and lifestyles.


Contact: prixtv@urti.org


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